The Leonard Cohen Brothers

A Dynamic Duo of Coolism.

Monday, August 11, 2008

You're running late

Where are you? We have been waiting for you over on the other side.


Sunday, June 24, 2007

What Are You Doing Here ? should be at ....go there now....quickly

Monday, June 18, 2007

Sunday, May 27, 2007

Space Travel Made Easy

Without approacing light speed, in fact he barely got past a brisk trot, Mike has been to the Red Planet. The new work of The Leonard Cohen Brothers is just getting better and better.
So what does Mike go and do? He goes and buggers off to all parts foreign. Off on a crusade to master a few exotic instruments, and to fill his head with new sounds and his nose with new aromas. Well all I can say is....bloody hurry back, I can't work the buttons!

Monday, April 23, 2007

Where the hell have I been

Really, just where the hell did those 6 months go?

Shut up, that was a rhetorical question. In fact it was to cover the fact that I've been hitting the myspace page instead, I just didn't want to hurt your feelings. I must admit though, Blogger is really very much prettier. I like to think of myspace as Squiggy (Squizzy?) and Blogger as Lenny, clearly one is better looking but still I'd rather not do either.

So what have the Dynamic Duo of Coolism been up to? Well, I'm glad you asked. Mike (musical brother) and I have been up to our wazoos in creative juices. We have really hit our straps and are recording our best stuff to date. These late inclusions include, The Wherever Song (aka Anthem for the Disaffected aka Song for the Anxious) and The Pussycat Song (I'm a fly, I'm a fly, I'm a flyin' to the moon and back tonight) and let me tell you, Pussycat does indeed like Electric Blues Harp.

Most recently we have been approached by a vidster interested in doing a film for one of our tunes. Hot news really, as he has just done a clip for somebody we cannot mention for legal reasons.(hint: it's *

Once more I, Mal, have been cast back into the evil world of The Student Teacher for another few weeks. Only one more practicum to go and then somebody might begin to pay me to keep small children from being sucked into large machines (nearly lost one today actually) It will seem very weird, as I have now managed to avoid any form of real work for some seven years. Ahh god bless whoever thought of the idea of a University. Some Italian bloke in Bologna perhaps? Meat sauce and Uni...what a combination.

Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Well it was a Half Truth

When I said precious little activity on the musical front...I meant in the house of Mal. I received an electronic communique from Mike as follows,

"plenty going on in the house of swing!!! the small song, the trapeze song, the like whatever baby song (which you haven't heard yet) ready to sing...and Gina Lollabridgida coming along well!"

Yes, methinks that Gina will develop into quite a woman

Meanwhile Ol' Mal has resumed his secret life as a Trainee Teacher for a few weeks...bring on the hols...and some croonin' time.

Mal Says:
A musical combo is a bit like a marriage...but without sex.
OK so it's a lot like marriage.

Monday, September 18, 2006

Hit Me With Your Rythm Stick

Precious little activity in the musical swingness department lately - many assignments to do.
I had to do a project in Leather for one class. No that is not what I made. What I made was a picture frame and a tool roll. But here's the good a part of the class we had to present a folio of resource material. Now I found an excellent website for leather braiding / plaiting...only trouble is it is only two clicks from the parent site...a BDSM site offering for sale, amongst others, the Spank-o-Matic. But remember I got to this site via the plaiting OK.

Mal Says:
Bondage is just plain weird, and as soon as I get these cuffs of you're for it !